Monday, November 1, 2010

Family Pictures

We had family pictures taken last weekend and it was such a good time! I got the proofs today and I think they are soo cute! I can't wait to get the pictures back. I am not...however...happy with our family pictures. And this has nothing to do with the photographer or the has to do with me. You never realize how much weight you gain till you have pictures taken. This is the butt kicking I needed to start my diet plan. Holy wow. I'm hoping by next picture time...I will not look like a beached whale. And some may say "aww don't be so hard on yourself!" but yeah...its time to be hard on myself.
Anyway...the boys looked awesome so did the rest of the family! I can't wait to get the actual pictures back so we can get holiday cards done maybe this year. I'll post as soon as we do get them done.


  1. I thought you looked beautiful - yes, you may feel you looked overweight, but your clothes were flattering, your hair and makeup accentuated your beauty and you smiled like you were the happiest person there. That's what I loved!

  2. Thanks Betsy...I'm just happy I got the butt kickin I needed :) And I appreciate your support big time :)
